Courses and Seminars


This is the place where you creativity will be nourished!

We offer online courses, short courses in Rome and art retreats of one week in Sabina in the countryside near Rome.

These course areĀ for everybody who has dreamt to do somebody creative, but has never deard to do so, but also who has already expierence but did not have time or space or felt an emotional or mental bloc to work alone. But last not least it is also for people who work for themselves but want new impulses, ideas or a little push.
The groups are small enough to be personally followed, inside the group there is the possibility of exchange, which is another source of inspiration, seeing the work of others. This opens another space and possibilities within us.

My courses and seminars

Online Courses

Everything online: courses, Skype sessions

Individual Sessions

All the time reserved for you and your creativity!


During the retreat you have all the time and possibilities you need for your creativity


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