Trust your creativity!

I help you to discover, develop
or reinsure your creativity!

As an Artist I was always lead by my curiosity for small and bigger things in the world, and as an art teacher by my interest in the people I met. Together we look for the key to develop their creative potential, to allow it to flourish.

I believe that making art has a lot to do with the ability to learn again to play, to forget the world around us and to enter into a deeper and truer contact with ourselves. This is true for my own art as well as for the way I teach.

My blog, and of course my own artwork are an expression of this approach.

If you want to go deeper and give yourself also a nice treat you also can come to my Retreat in Italy

In my newsletter you will find

  • little tips and tricks how to live your creativity in your daily life
  • Examples from my artistic work and that from others that you can get inspiration
  • Informations about my courses and my other artistic activities

Are’n that not good reasons to sign in my Newsletter?

My courses and seminars

Individual Sessions

All the time reserved for you and your creativity! You get ideas and practical help how to start a new project or to start at all. Step by stepp you will enter in your creative process.


You stay for a week in an beautiful landscape, doing art with nice people and a professional artist teacher.
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