Online Courses

Everything online, but non the less intensive and helpful!







Do you lack the time or opportunity to go somewhere to do a seminar or course?

It is possible to do it online and still benefit from the personal contact and the feedback, which is vitally important for your artistic work.

I offer interactive webinars, individual sessions on skype, and I am looking to offer online courses in the future. If you would like to get to know me personally, I offer a skype session for 20 minutes for English speakers.

At the moment, I offer two methods to work with me online:


A webinar is like a traditional course, but it is conducted online. Everybody meets at a certain time to work together, but you sit at your computer wherever you are and we don’t meet in a physical room. When you take part, you have the possibility to participate in the chat or you can talk to and view the other participants via webcam. Either before or after the course, you will receive handouts, which you can use to practice or to remember the course content. During the webinar, you will have the possibility to gain feedback on your artistic projects. Everybody receives individual help to allow your creativity to grow and flourish.

Currently, I only offer the webinar in German however, if you are interested in participating in English, let me know and I will try to accommodate you.

Individual session over Skype:

If you would like to have individual guidance, you are most welcome to work with me on an individual basis. In this way, I can assist you with your projects with personalized advice, and together we can open the doors to get you started on your creative work. A couple of sessions may be necessary to really get into your work, but from there you will be able to move forward on your own. Sometimes, one session might provide you with enough input that you will be able to go on. Each session takes one hour and costs €80.

Online courses:

These are courses which are offered at a set time and the students can download them, for example, once a week. You will have access to short videos or audios and also written material, which will always lead to some sort of homework task to be completed between the sessions. Of course, you will receive feedback when you have completed the homework. Additionally, there will be a private Facebook group to exchange your experiences. Presently, this is a plan in progress, but if you are interested, let it me know.


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